Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Few Announcements

Buckle up, this post has a lot of important information!!

We are in our final week of health and are covering the reproductive system. The students have done a great job these last two months covering our health curriculum. We have covered everything from structure and function of the body to mental health to CPR. A lot of information to ask your son/daughter about.

First, Sperreng PTO/PE are hosting their first Fitness 5k on April 22nd at Mini Ha-Ha Park. This is a run/walk 5k with three fitness pit-stops along the way. We would love to fill this thing with Sperreng students/parents. You can turn forms into us or mail them to the address on the form. The registration form can be found under the tab at the top of the page and that has more information but if you have any questions, please let me know.

**The incentive for students to sign up aside from challenging their physical fitness**
If we get 320 registrants from Sperreng by March 1st, all activity logs for 4th quarter are for extra credit!!! That is potentially 5 extra credit points per week for your son/daughter. Also, anyone who wears their 5k shirt on a day in May will have the opportunity to throw a water balloon at one of their teachers. Should be a fun time!!!

Next up are a few scheduling announcements. 

March 6th-10th: We are swimming. That is a 4-day week. Please remember to bring in swimming stuff that week. Swimming make-ups for girls will be offered the following week only in the morning from 7-7:25.

The following week, March 13th-17th we will have our Best Choice presentation. This presentation focuses on puberty, healthy relationships and appropriate sexual health. This is always a topic that makes some parents/students uncomfortable so if you have any questions or concerns please feel free to let me know. Any students that feel uncomfortable have the option to step out of the room at any time and any parent that does not want their child to participate in the curriculum can excuse them and we will give them an alternate assignment. I have a link to their curriculum for anyone that wants to view it beforehand.

I think that is it for now. If you have any questions, please let me know.

Go Flyers!!!

Friday, February 17, 2017

Tying it All Togther

The 8th grade boys worked very hard the first quarter to learn about and develop their skill with Olympic lifting. They have done a great job and are now able to incorporate their skills into more complex and intense workouts. Feel free to ask them about what they have been doing in class.

Saturday, February 11, 2017

The End of Swimming!

After two weeks, Coach Mertens' classes are now finished with swimming for the year.  We will be exclusively in physical education units that require our normal dress out of a t-shirt, shorts, and tennis shoes.  Please make sure that you are all prepared so that you can participate and get all of your points!  We will be in the little gym this week!  DON'T FORGET YOUR ACTIVITY LOGS!

Image result for home run swing matt carpenter

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Wag's Classes Working Hard in Health

We have covered a lot of material in these last few weeks in health. Today we started on our disease prevention and control unit. The students were given a learning menu to complete. They had to complete 4 appetizers, 1 entree and 1 dessert over the material. It's just a fun way to look at the material in a different way. They will be working on this for the next three days in class. The requirements can be found on our Moodle course under "Disease Prevention Project". Every student should know how to log in to Moodle but if not, I have attached directions on how to log in. We are in health for three more weeks and then will be back in the gym for the rest of the school year. Crazy to think we have already been in health for 5 weeks, I feel like we just started.

As always, keep those activity logs coming in and let me know if you have any questions.

Logging in to Moodle

Go Flyers!!!