Thursday, March 16, 2017

Pacer and Mile Update

 Coach Hilton's classes ran their third quarter pacer this week and will run the mile today or tomorrow. The guys are doing a great job as 90% of the students were able to improve their pacer score.  The students have been working very hard and it is showing in their results. My classes will run the mile either today or tomorrow.

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Reminder About Best Choice Next Week

Just a reminder that we have Best Choice next week. I have linked the lesson outlines and a document of fast facts that can hopefully answer some of your questions. Let me know if you have additional questions. As with any health unit, a student can step out of the class at any time if they are uncomfortable. Also, if a parent does not want their child to receive the presentation, they can opt their child out.

Don't forget to sign up for the Fitness 5k!!! There is a link to the flyer below. All participants will now get a coupon for a free bike helmet as well...the perks just keep getting better!!!

Thanks and let me know if you need anything.

Go Flyers!!!

Fast Facts Flyer

6th Grade Outline

7th Grade Outline

5k Sign-Up Sheet

Saturday, March 4, 2017

Between Now and......

Image result for tropical beach
Spring Break is right around the corner!  The students in Coach Mertens' classes have been working hard and having fun since we finished up our Health curriculum.  In these last two weeks leading up to Spring Break, there are a couple of announcements that I want to reiterate from one of Coach Wagenknecht's posts.

Sperreng PTO/PE are hosting their first Fitness 5k on April 22nd at Mini Ha-Ha Park. This is a run/walk 5k with three fitness pit-stops along the way. We hope to have a race full of Sperreng students and parents.  Students can turn forms into their Coach at Sperreng or mail them to the address on the form. The registration form can be found under the tab at the top of this page, and it will have more information to hopefully answer any questions you might have.

**The incentive for students to sign up aside from challenging their physical fitness**
If we get 320 registrants from Sperreng by March 17th, all activity logs for 4th quarter are for extra credit!!! That is potentially 5 extra credit points per week for your son/daughter. Also, anyone who wears their 5k shirt on a preannounced day in May will have the opportunity to throw a water balloon at one of their teachers. 

Over the next two weeks we will have our Best Choice presentations.  The 8th graders will be participating March 6th-10th, and the 7th graders from March 13th-17th.  This presentation focuses on puberty, healthy relationships and appropriate sexual health. This is always a topic that makes some parents/students uncomfortable so if you have any questions or concerns please feel free to email me and let me know. Any students that feel uncomfortable have the option to step out of the room at any time and any parent that does not want their child to participate in the curriculum can excuse them and we will give them an alternate assignment.  Please click the links below outlines of the lessons.

As always, if you have any additional questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Only the Bold Wear Green and Gold!!!