Wednesday, October 12, 2016

1st Quarter Wrap-Up

As first quarter winds down I wanted to take a second and remind everyone about some of the policies and expectations moving forward.

Activity Logs:
Students will only get ONE per week

Fill out the ACTIVITY column with one of the following OPTIONS:
OPTION 1: the type of physical activity you did for 60 min. (PE time counts toward this)
OPTION 2: "100 reps" (PE approved exercises, check the blog for a list of exercises)
OPTION 3: "Anywhere Workouts (check the blog for anywhere workouts)

Fill out the MINUTES / REPS column with...
 the total minutes for the day (option 1)
# of total reps you did (option 2)
name of workout (option 3)

Don't forget the parent signature at the bottom!

1 point per day for meeting activity requirement  (5 point max)

Grading Procedures:
Students are expected to dress out every day. This means a white or gray shirt and athletic shorts. Failing to do so results in the student receiving a 0 for the day.

There are multiple grades each student receives:
PE Points (participation, behavior, dressing out): 1 point per day
Standards Based Grading: 5-10 point grades per unit based on FORM cues (ex. throwing, catching, batting)
Online Quizzes: 5-10 point quizzes per unit given online, to be taken at home over game rules and history (not given over every unit)
Activity Log: 5 points per week

If you ever have questions over grades or procedures, please contact your child's teacher for clarification. It is important for STUDENTS and parents to check SIS regularly for grade updates so we aren't scrambling at the end of the quarter trying to figure things out. 

Smart Goals:
At the beginning of the year, each student set a SMART goal that they wished to work on and achieve by the end of the year. The goals revolved around fitness testing and improving scores. We have already done one check-in to see how they are progressing. We want each student to achieve their fitness goal and the check-ins really help so the students can see if they need to ramp up their workouts. Ask your son/daughter how they are progressing with their goal. We will have these goals available during conferences if you want to take a look. 

Finally, all the PE teachers are gearing up to go into health. Coach Hilton, Mertens and Wagenknecht will be in health for 8 weeks straight. This means that PE time won't count towards the activity logs because we won't be active in class. It also means there will be assignments that are worked on in class that will need to be turned in or it will hurt their grade. We don't assign homework in health, but if they don't use their time wisely in class they can create homework for themselves. 

If you want specific dates, you can always check Coach Wag's calendar on the blog.

Thanks for reading this rather long post and Go Flyers!!!

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